Between 20hertz and 20000hertz


Volume of the Space: 

2m width*3m length*3m height

UV Paints, UV lights

Linear Musical notes formed cage in a dark room

Infinite is beyond our perception.Our five senses are our channels to the outside world, but also limit us and keep us in a black cage, away from the ultimate truth.Sounds are as infinite as mathematics. D# is 311.13 hertz, F# is 369.99 hertz, then what note is for 20000hertz?

In this case, the musical notes actually can extend infinitely in both positive and negative directions on the musical staff. The voices we can't hear are not non-existent, but only because we can't perceive them.


The installation is in a six square meters dark room. The musical notes form a cage on the wall, floor, and ceiling. Audiences could step in to and see the cage using UV lights. The darkroom symbolizes the unknown and mysterious universe. The cage that can be seen through UV light directly presents the limitations of human perception, and this is a cage for our eyes.Meanwhile, the sound from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz is played in a loop. Due to the limitation of our hearing, we can only hear between 20 hertz and 20000hertz, but before 20hertz and after 20000 hertz, we couldn't hear anything. From silence to silence, this is a cage for our ears


These are two conceptual graphs that helped my thinking process. I put them here because it is very important as a part of my work

The above diagram is my draft of installation, with my understanding of the real existing musical notes.

The bottom one is a diagram shows the range of human perception.  In this way of presentation, we can see the exact area of limitation, which looks like a little cage.




此装置呈现于一个没有灯,面积六平米左右的无灯,四面墙壁刷成黑色(无反光)的房间里。音符从地板延伸到一边的墙面再延伸到天花板,又从天花板往下延伸到另一边的墙面,最后回到地面形成一个闭合的“空间”。房间里 “无光”就如同我们所处的宇宙,就如真相一般存在但超出感知,当我们打开紫外线灯后(被赋予了“神”的能力),我们可以看到其他事物的存在。但我们意识到有一个笼子,我们依旧无法逃离它,这些黑暗和未知的事物。


